Interview with Kamla Ramlall

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Participant: Kamla Ramlall
Researcher: Maria Bacchus
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Kamla Ramlall recounts her lived experience with sewing and making hand-made creations with her granddaughter. Kamla describes learning how to sew through watching her father, who was a tailor, and aunt, who was a sewing mistress. Given that she has lived in Leguan, Guyana her entire life, Kamla explores the differing affordability, availability, attitudes, and acquisition practices associated with clothing in Guyana from the 1950s to 2022. In this exploration, Kamla touches upon topics such as the repurposing of clothing, overseas importation of clothing, the quality difference between overseas and locally produced clothing, and her lifelong connection to the practice of sewing despite surrounding societal and economic changes.
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Interview with Kamla Ramlall - Thumbnail

Kamla Ramlall recounts her lived experience with sewing and making hand-made creations with her granddaughter. Kamla describes learning how to sew through watching her father, who was a tailor, and aunt, who was a sewing mistress. Given that she has lived in Leguan, Guyana her entire life, Kamla explores the differing affordability, availability, attitudes, and acquisition practices associated with clothing in Guyana from the 1950s to 2022. In this exploration, Kamla touches upon topics such as the repurposing of clothing, overseas importation of clothing, the quality difference between overseas and locally produced clothing, and her lifelong connection to the practice of sewing despite surrounding societal and economic changes.