Interview with Phil Smith

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Participant: Phil Smith
Researcher: Amena Ahmed
Researcher: Amelia Ainsworth
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Phil Smith recounts his journey to becoming the Beverages Manager at UTSC, beginning in 2011 and how his role has changed over the years. Smith describes his passion for music and his work in the hospitality industry before discussing his early days managing Rex's Den. He reflects on his position as the Beverages Manager, describing the important partnerships he forged campus, training staff, and the logistics of holding events in venues such as the Miller Lash House. Smith also comments on his collaboration with the Food Studies Program and the Culinaria Kitchen, especially in light of the changes in operations brought about by the pandemic.
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Interview with Phil Smith - Thumbnail

Phil Smith recounts his journey to becoming the Beverages Manager at UTSC, beginning in 2011 and how his role has changed over the years. Smith describes his passion for music and his work in the hospitality industry before discussing his early days managing Rex's Den. He reflects on his position as the Beverages Manager, describing the important partnerships he forged campus, training staff, and the logistics of holding events in venues such as the Miller Lash House. Smith also comments on his collaboration with the Food Studies Program and the Culinaria Kitchen, especially in light of the changes in operations brought about by the pandemic.