Interview with Norm Kelly

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Participant: Norm Kelly
Researcher: Amelia Ainsworth
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Norm Kelly reflects on his long political and personal career in Scarborough. As a self-proclaimed proud Scarborough boy, Norm describes growing up in the Wexford neighbourhood as Scarborough transitioned from quiet farmland to busy city while also commenting on Scarborough's image, portrayal in the media, and its own identity. Norm recounts his 34 years long career in politics, including acting as an alderman for Scarborough Council, a federal MP for Scarborough Centre, a councillor for Wexford-Agincourt, and the deputy mayor and de facto mayor of Toronto (2013). Norm also discusses his approach to politics, the debates surrounding the amalgamation of Scarborough into the MegaCity, and the changing demographics of Scarborough.
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Interview with Norm Kelly - Thumbnail

Norm Kelly reflects on his long political and personal career in Scarborough. As a self-proclaimed proud Scarborough boy, Norm describes growing up in the Wexford neighbourhood as Scarborough transitioned from quiet farmland to busy city while also commenting on Scarborough's image, portrayal in the media, and its own identity. Norm recounts his 34 years long career in politics, including acting as an alderman for Scarborough Council, a federal MP for Scarborough Centre, a councillor for Wexford-Agincourt, and the deputy mayor and de facto mayor of Toronto (2013). Norm also discusses his approach to politics, the debates surrounding the amalgamation of Scarborough into the MegaCity, and the changing demographics of Scarborough.