Interview with Cynthia Jairam

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Participant: Cynthia Jairam
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As a student of UTSC from 1995-1999 as well as a co-ordinator and later assistant director of the Arts & Science Co-op office from 2002 to the present day, Cynthia Jairam shares her experiences at UTSC. Cynthia discusses the welcoming and close-knit community she experienced as a student here while also commenting on student life on campus and the clubs that she was involved in. She also recounts the shift she experienced when she became a staff member before describing the nature of her work with the co-op office, such as working closely with co-op students, the impact of technology on the efficiency of connecting students with positions, and the strengthening of the relationship between the St. George campus and co-op programs at UTSC.
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Interview with Cynthia Jairam - Thumbnail

As a student of UTSC from 1995-1999 as well as a co-ordinator and later assistant director of the Arts & Science Co-op office from 2002 to the present day, Cynthia Jairam shares her experiences at UTSC. Cynthia discusses the welcoming and close-knit community she experienced as a student here while also commenting on student life on campus and the clubs that she was involved in. She also recounts the shift she experienced when she became a staff member before describing the nature of her work with the co-op office, such as working closely with co-op students, the impact of technology on the efficiency of connecting students with positions, and the strengthening of the relationship between the St. George campus and co-op programs at UTSC.