Interview with Lynn Tucker

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Participant: Lynn Tucker
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Lynn Tucker, Associate Dean Experiential and Global Learning, joined the UTSC music program as a sessional instructor in 2004. She talks about her earlier musical journey and how music was very much a part of her life growing up. Lynn shares her love of the music program and especially the band. She shares stories of the early days when instruments were in short supply and how the program has grown and developed in very innovative ways. Lynn also talks about her various roles in administration and the challenges facing a member of the teaching stream pursing such a career path.
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Black and white image of Lynn Tucker from the shoulders up and the neck of a guitar over one of her shoulders.

Lynn Tucker, Associate Dean Experiential and Global Learning, joined the UTSC music program as a sessional instructor in 2004. She talks about her earlier musical journey and how music was very much a part of her life growing up. Lynn shares her love of the music program and especially the band. She shares stories of the early days when instruments were in short supply and how the program has grown and developed in very innovative ways. Lynn also talks about her various roles in administration and the challenges facing a member of the teaching stream pursing such a career path.